Thursday, April 24, 2014

What Am I Working On?

Somehow I never seem to manage to work on one project at a time. And my current workload is no exception. Besides my work on I’m outlining a book for girls about great women from worlds past and present and working on my blogs. I’ve also found a great book that helps authors organize and produce books in a short time. It is especially useful for those of us who publish e-books. It is called “How to Write Nonfiction Ebooks” by Henri Junittilla. It is available at Amaon both as a paperback and an ebook. He lays out a system for writers that maximizes any time spent and shortens the process of actually writing and publishing nonfiction ebooks. I’m going to stop now and try to get some work done on at least one of my projects. The problem is that it’s a bit hard to figure out which project I want to work on. Hopefully, I won’t come up with another one until I finish at least one of my other projects. I hope you are all right and having a great year.

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